Thursday, October 15, 2015

Blog Post G

This chapter was very interesting and discussed much information about cool and useful technologies. Some key topics that really caught my eye were Universal Design for Learning, Interactive Whiteboards, and Electronic Spellers and Dictionaries.

While reading about Universal Design, I learned that it's a field of architecture and that it's a new approach to how schools can serve all students well. (UDL) applies recent advances in understanding how the brain processes information to the design of a curriculum that can accommodate broad student needs. (Hall, Meyer, & Rose, 2012; Metcalf, 2010) The Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) defined UDL.

  • Multiple means of representation, to give learners various ways of acquiring information and knowledge
  • Multiple means of expression, to provide learners' alternatives for demonstrating what they know
  • Multiple means of engagement, to tap into learners' interests, offer appropriate challenges, and increase motivation
An example was given in this chapter, "A teacher might use PowerPoint to display vocabulary words and definitions on a screen in front of the room so a hearing-impaired child can read the information while the class discusses the terms." I think that UDL is a great way to help out not only hearing-impaired students, but also students who have trouble following along or paying attention. UDL will give students endless ways to be able to follow along with information, even if they are a tiny bit behind. 

Interactive Whiteboards were also discussed in this chapter. This whiteboard is simply mounted on a classroom wall and connected to both a computer and a projector. With these boards, both teachers and students are able to access their computer monitors on this with just the touch of a finger. So basically anything that you would normally see on a computer screen can be shown blown up on this board. These white boards are useful in helping visual, auditory, and hands-on learners. I think that these Interactive White boards should be on the wall of every classroom. It's such a great way to present information to students so that they are able to easily see and view it. 

Electronic spellers and dictionaries should be used in every classroom. This device would be very useful for beginning readers. They help with correcting spelling, listening to words aloud, and checking the accuracy of spelling. This device would be very useful to students who are learning English for the first time. Headphones can be plugged in so students are able to listen to words they need help understanding or spelling. I remember having one of these devices in elementary school. I was never a good speller, and these little devices would always prepare me for my spelling tests every week! They are such a great idea for students!!

Video Credit to FranklinElectronics on Youtube

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

1 comment:

  1. Missed seeing your created digital tool and remember to put your YouTube citation information in the Resource section with APA style, too. There are many UDL concepts (though originally designed for students with specific learning needs) that are beneficial to all students - it is also helpful when so many use as it doesn't call attention to students who might be self conscious about their differences.
