Thursday, September 10, 2015

Blog Post B Chapter 2

In Chapter 2, I read about the future teachers and the technology being discussed among teachers. I also read about teaching and how it affects students, families, employers, and society all together.

When teaching, teachers always want to give out information and material to students in a way that they'll be able to comprehend it. Teachers also have the job of reaching all students and students that might have different needs or interests. It's easier to put students into small or larger groups when introducing a new topic or activity. Lastly, teachers want to take into consideration that the students in their classroom have a life outside of the classroom. Getting students in a daily routine is usually easier on them so they grow more comfortable to their learning environment.

I also learned about The Rogers innovation curve which proposes that with every new idea there are always small percentages of innovators and early adopters, followed by another majority of followers who sooner or later will adopt new practices. When applying the Roger's model to K-12 education, teacher divide it into three ways. The first being a small group with technology and computers added into teaching. The second being a larger group of cautious people worrying about the problems and system crashes that could occur. And the last group being people who would have used the technology sooner if they knew about it and how it worked.

This chapter was very interesting with the ways technologies could be used in the classroom and how sometimes these technologies weren't able to be used because of the lack of access, or even malfunctioning. Technology can be used effectively in a classroom with trial runs and only if this technology is available or supported by the faculty.

1 comment:

  1. So I wonder where you might fit into the Roger's Innovation curve as it shows technology and education? Remember that the focus of this writing is to reflect which is to personalize what you are reading to your own past experiences and/or how you anticipate the future. Also please remember to add in all Resources - always the textbook but in this post, the YouTube video, as well - all in APA citation style.
